When working with statistical aggregations in ElasticSearch 1.7 I couldn’t find any documentation about how arrays are treated. Of course you need a numeric field for statistical aggregations. In my special case I needed arrays of objects. But this should obviously not make a difference.… Read more
Flask for ElasticSearch
I have built a nice search-engine template using Python Flask in the backend and providing faceted navigation in the frontend. The frontend was built using: http://materializecss.com/ This project might be interesting for you, if you want to build a lightweight searchengine with Flask on top… Read more
Simple metrics for TextMining
Within the european research project ROBUST (Risk and Opportunity management of huge-scale BUSiness communiTy cooperation) which was conducted a few years ago by several universities and companies such as IBM and SAP, some interesting research has been conducted. One chapter about “Simple Metrics for TextMining”… Read more
Introducing a generic dynamic mapping template for ElasticSearch
Configuring a mapping for ElasticSearch is not required. Per definition and as opposed to Solr, ElasticSearch is schemaless. If not defined, a mapping for a type is created on the fly, based on the first document that is being indexed. If another document that is… Read more
ElasticSearch with faceted navigation in 15 minutes
ElasticSearch with faceted navigation in 15 minutes ElasticUI is an awesome and very easy to setup framework that enables faceted navigation for ElasticSearch, written in AngularJS. http://www.elasticui.com/ I have created an extension, which is optimized for media-search. The design is pretty basic, but functional. All… Read more
How to create a custom search engine in 15 minutes and deploy it for free!
I’ll show you how you can create a custom search-engine in 15 minutes and deploy it all for free! We’ll use ElasticSearch in the backend and a nice frontend built with AngularJs! The Backend First you’ll need a hosted ElasticSearch server: Please sign up here:… Read more
Install and secure ElasticSearch 1.x on Digital Ocean
This blogpost describes how to install and secure ElasticSearch on a Digital Ocean Virtual Root Server. Setting up the server First of all you need to create a droplet on Digital Ocean. Therefore you have to register: https://www.digitalocean.com/ You can pay with your creditcard or… Read more
Nutch 2.2 with ElasticSearch 1.x and HBase
This document describes how to install and run Nutch 2.2.1 with HBase 0.90.4 and ElasticSearch 1.1.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 Prerequisites Make sure you installed the Java-SDK 7. [code language=”bash”] $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk [/code] And you set JAVA_HOME in your .bashrc: Add the following… Read more