We know that data is the new gold. The quality of data is super important and can really make a difference for any website or online business. Nowadays many online businesses aggregate data from various sources and build a search engine for it. They earn… Read more
All posts filed under “Textmining”
Named Entity Annotations in Elasticsearch
This blogpost will show how you can use Elasticsearch to extract Named Entities and store them as annotations. There is a really nice plugin written by one of the main Elasticsearch developers Alexander Reelsen: https://github.com/spinscale/elasticsearch-ingest-opennlp This plugin wraps the library OpenNLP and allows to extract… Read more
How to use ElasticSearch for Natural Language Processing and Text Mining — Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of How to use Elasticsearch for Natural Language Processing and Text Mining. It’s been some time since Part 1, so you might want to brush up on the basics before getting started. This time we’ll focus on one very important type… Read more
Text Classification made easy with Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is widely used as a search and analytics engine. Its capabilities as a text mining API are not as well known. In the following article I’d like to show how text classification can be done with Elasticsearch. With a background in computational linguistics and… Read more
How to use ElasticSearch for Natural Language Processing and Text Mining — Part 1
ElasticSearch is a search engine and an analytics platform. But it offers many features that are useful for standard Natural Language Processing and Text Mining tasks. Read more…
Simple metrics for TextMining
Within the european research project ROBUST (Risk and Opportunity management of huge-scale BUSiness communiTy cooperation) which was conducted a few years ago by several universities and companies such as IBM and SAP, some interesting research has been conducted. One chapter about “Simple Metrics for TextMining”… Read more